5 Reasons To Drug Test Your Employees
Drug Test Your Employees: Nowadays, drug tests are becoming increasingly necessary. Whether it’s in sports or politics, unfortunately, more and more people are using drugs. Naturally, as an employer, you want to make sure your employees are being safe and productive while on the job.
The good news is that because drug tests are more common and accessible, drug testing your employees is no longer a complicated process. Below are the top 5 reasons to drug test your employees.
1. It’s Just Common Sense
If you don’t want your employees using drugs, the easiest way to ensure that is a drug test. Plain and simple. With our tests, which are FDA approved, you get fast, low-cost results. Not only will you put your mind at ease about your current employees, you’ll be able to hire people with confidence, knowing they are not using drugs.
2. It Makes Your Employees More Productive
Business owners as a group are losing over 100 billion dollars a year due to employees using drugs on the job. And that’s not even including time wasted for employees coming into work already under the influence. Drug tests ensure that you won’t be one of those employers wasting time and energy on employees who use drugs.
3. Your Employees Will Know The Deal
Rather than your employees spending time worrying about whether you’ll catch them using drugs, they will know for sure that if they use drugs, you’ll find out. That decreases a lot of the peer pressure to use drugs, especially in workplace environments with younger employees. It gives them a clear reason not to use drugs, and could even create better habits that they will carry with them after they no longer work for you.
4. It Also Motivates People Who Don’t Use Drugs
Drug tests don’t just give your employees who might use drugs an incentive to stop.
They also motivate people who never used drugs to begin with! Drug tests send a clear message that you will punish those who do use drugs, and reward those who don’t. Employees who don’t use drugs will know you acknowledge their good work habits, and will feel that they have earned your respect.
5. Less Worrying For You
Instead of wondering about who may or may not be using drugs behind your back, you’ll now know for sure. This means less for you to think about, when you already have enough on your plate. In other words, drug tests can make you as an employer more efficient as wellD