Welcoming Your Teen Home from Rehab
Welcoming Your Teen Home from Rehab: After a period of time, your child is finally coming home. You want everything to be just right and you are more than happy to have them in the house again. You want to set the mood and make a warm welcome. Here are some of the ways you can do that.
1. Create a safe zone
All kids hate when their parents mess around tin their room, which is basically like a private sanctuary. Try to keep their room clean but not mess with organization of the things and where they’re placed. Returning home can sometimes be overwhelming and buying some of your teen’s favorite thinks like snacks, movies, toys or similar can certainly make them feel better and comfortable.
2. Setting rules and consequences for breaking them
It’s been a long time since your child hasn’t been home and using the situation to talk to your sober teen can be an advantage. Explain to them, in a calm and understanding way the rules and boundaries they shouldn’t break and cross. While setting the rules, try to take in consideration your teenager’s feelings.
3. Find a teen support group
Sometimes it may be awkward or they may feel uncomfortable talking with you about some things. That0s why the best way is finding a support group and informing your teen about it, explain that in case they feel uncomfortable talking with you, then can talk to their peers who may have passed over same or similar experiences as your teenager.
4. Family therapy
Involving family is a must. Let your teenager know they’re not alone, family is there to help and it’s in everyone’s best interest that any family member in need of help is provided with it immediately. Maybe only the close family should know about your teenager’s problems. The best thing before informing anyone is to talk to your teen first and figure it out together.
5. Share activities
This may be the most important way of making your teenager feel comfortable and happy. It’s not hard to organize some family activities, like picnics, trips, some sport activities etc. Try involving things that they like the most. For example if your daughter likes movies, maybe once in a week you can all get together as a family and go to the cinema and watch a movie or just do it while you’re cozy in your own home.
These all can make a huge difference in welcoming your teen home from rehab. The most important thing is that you’re not too pushy and that you’re willing to give your teen some space and free time for them to completely adjust.
David Curtis
Eatontown, NJ 07724
Telephone: (888) 687-6977
Email: david@sprouthealthgroup.com
Website: https://www.advhealth.com
Parent Website: http://www.sprouthealthgroup.com