Why Are Teens Abusing Prescription Drugs?

Why are Teens abusing Prescription drugs?: Statistically, prescription and over the counter medications account for some of the most commonly abused drugs among high school students. There are a number of factors that can be taken into account in answering the question: Why Are Teens Abusing Prescription Drugs -Understanding the reasons why teens use and abuse these drugs is imperative to both treating and preventing this major problem.

1. Accessibility

You don’t have to hit the streets to score these commonly abused drugs. To find these drugs, some kids don’t have to look further than their grandmother’s medicine cabinet. The ability to easily acquire prescription drugs is a major component of their popularity among the high school crowd.

2. Peer Pressure

Startling statistics show that abusing prescription drugs is popular among high school students, implying that in some kids’ eyes, it is the “cool thing to do.” Some kids may be engaging in prescription drug abuse only because of the crowd they are hanging out with. Others may be taking them in order to maintain their reputation as “cool.”

3. Lack of Understanding

Since doctors prescribe these medications, that means they are safe. Taking a couple more of these pills will help me lose weight. These are used as medicine, so that means they can’t be addictive. These are some common misconceptions about prescription drugs, making them appealing to teenagers. Many ignore or are not informed about the dangers of taking somebody else’s prescription, or taking too high of a dosage.

4. Coping With Stressors

High school can be a stressful time for many teens. Without proper coping skills, they may turn to drugs as an answer to their problems. Getting high off of these drugs may provide a temporary “escape” for teens who are faced with other issues in their lives. Unfortunately, by abusing these drugs, they are getting wrapped into an even bigger problem.

5. Enjoyment

Prescription drugs are used for the same reason many other drugs are used to produce a psychological euphoria. Like many adults, teens are taking these drugs just for fun. Without consideration of of the harmful effects, these drugs are considered pleasurable by those who take them.

It is important for teens to have accessibility to information regarding the dangers of abusing prescription drugs, and not accessibility to the drugs themselves. Efforts should be made to promote positive coping skills in high school students, and to shatter the myths associated with prescription drugs.